Friday 10 February 2012

Macro means close up in photography terms. I took this photo in the light outside of college.
It's a very simple picture but I needed something to symbolize a Macro shot. You can see all of the detail on the floor and the shadow coming from the object.

I took this picture outside of college quickly while the sun was still out. I took this to 
capture the sunlight in the background behind my friend.

This image is darker than the rest. We were shooting outside this day so i tried hiding as much shadow as I could in this one.

This is my portrait photo. I didn't take this of myself but I like it because it was taken with proper equipment. The photographer used a 3 point lighting system which is two lights to block out any shadow from appearing and one more light on the camera.

Diagonal lines
I took this inside of college and this was to capture diagonal lines. The beams going across the roof windows act as the diagonal lines. 

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