Assignment 1

Corperate Photography 
This is a good example of a corporate photo 
because it shows a man in a suit looking ready
for a hard days work. 
With a book open on his lap he looks committed
and enjoying his career. 

This picture is a good example of a corporate photograph. 
This woman seems to be enjoying her job life. 
It looks like she’s wearing a 
headpiece to take 
phone calls so it looks like she’s taking her job seriously. 
You can’t see much of the background but by her face
 expression it seems 
she’s enjoying the office and it must have good vibes.
Portrait Photography
The differences with these two shots of portrait photography are that the top girl looks as if she could be posing for a magazine but the bottom photo just seems natural. Also the top photo has a bigger depth of field because there’s absolutely no blur in the image where as the bottom picture has a focal point. Your eyes rest on the girls face because the background is blurry. The big difference is that one is in black and white and the other is in colour. There facial expressions are very different also. Similarities of these images are that they are both posing and both hold eye contact with the cameras lens. There pose are alike with the head tilted backwards and they’re both attractive.

Landscape Photography

In these two shots the similarities are the width of the land because the photographer has used a tight aperture on his camera. Also there is no human activity in both these images because you wouldn’t focus on the land. The differences with-in these pictures are that in the bottom photo there’s more uses in depth of field because you can focus on the whole picture, where as the top photo seems blurrier in the background. Also the above picture is lighter and the image below isn’t only a landscape it’s also a seascape. 

Fashion Photography
These pictures are different in many ways. The recent one, which is on the right, is a lot more revealing and sexy. Rihanna’s hair on the right is powerful and colourful. The older one seems a bit more boring and laid back whilst the newer one just stands out and hits you right in the face. The lighting in the newer picture is a lot brighter and cleaner, but this picture is most probably airbrushed to look perfect where as the picture shown on the left is all naturally and not tampered with. The left image isn’t as striking because the model is edited in underneath the title wear as Rihanna is shown back straight upright above the title to really stand out and catch your attention.

There are also many similarities. They are both wearing tight clothes and in a similar type pose. The facial expressions are nearly identical.

Advertisement Photography

The advert on the left is different to the right one because it seems a bit boring and dull with the colours that are used. Also another difference is one has human activity but the other has an ant in. The one on the right would appeal a lot more to a male audience because there is an attractive woman promoting the product where as the left image would drag in both genders because it’s not showing a certain type of sex. Both images are quite powerful and draw the viewers in. They do this in both the same and different way as both are showing the product in an un natural environment. 


Photojournalism means that the picture taken is telling a story. This one certainly does, it's telling a story about a boy's misfortune of maybe being attacked by someone or something. The photo makes you feel sorry for him and the black and white colour makes it more effective with different types of emotion. 

The story of this image is sad and emotional. This is a tribute to a soldier who has died in Baghdad. Black and white makes it more effective and eye catching.