Friday 25 May 2012

Comment my photography

Comment my photography

Strengths and weaknesses

I feel that the technical strengths of my photography are that once I have taken them I have the ability to edit them well in Photoshop. Using Photoshop is a great way to enhance and improve your images to get that better feel. Editing will have more effect on the people that are viewing them. If you change the contrast and the level of brightness it will make my images look more approachable. The weaknesses in some of my photos is the lack of professionalism, such as getting things in shot that shouldn’t be there and also the lack of lighting in some of my shots. Thankfully Photoshop gives me the chance to edit all of my faults and in result get the perfect shot.


For me I met my expectations with my London shots because of the wide variety of things I could take pictures of such as transport, birds and the River Thames. I managed to get quite a few decent shots and took full advantage of my time in London. On other pieces of my photography work I maybe could have done better with the rule of thirds and white balance photos.


Influences that helped me with my photography work were looking at different artist and getting ideas from them. I’m a big fan of the graffiti artist ‘Banksy’ so I looked to him for ideas. When I took a trip to London with the college we were lucky enough to walk alone South Bank and see the different sites. There is a skate park on South Bank covered in graffiti so I took shots of the street art because it’s what I’m interested in. All of his artwork has some sort of meaning with a bit of humour thrown in to. My work doesn’t really have much meaning or humour but it will influence me in the future.


The skills I have developed in photography are basic but useful. Such as I understand the rule of thirds, diagonal lines and the three point lighting system. I understand what it means to get good shots and actually use a camera and I learned what the camera settings mean and what they do. In photography we had to use Photoshop to improve images and now after using this for a while I have a great understanding of how everything works.


As I’m new to photography this year I’m not as professional as I wanted to be. My pictures are simple and don’t always have a photographic technique where as a professional photographers will have. In my images I have a lot of people interrupting my camera shots and have things appearing in them that I wouldn’t want in there originally. I like to think that some of my images have the techniques that some professional photographers will use such as the rule of thirds and capturing the perfect photo.